El 3er álbum de tool se tituló Ænima. Las letras de las canciones contenidas en este disco tienen una marcada influencia en el libro: "Nothing in this Book is True", autoría de "Bob Frissell". Este libro trata sobre diversos temas de metafísica entre ellos: desde el inconsciente colectivo, el renacer espiritual, los planos alternos de la realidad, la geometría de lo sagrado y algo de auto ayuda.
Este libro habla y describe los 5 niveles de conciencia. Ellos están relacionados al número de cromosomas que tenemos y el rango o altura a la cual estos equivalen:
1) the first level has 42+2 chromosomes. Its harmonic with unity consciousness. collective consciousness operates such that if one person experiences something, its possible for everyone else to access this memory and relive it. The range of height is associated with this level of consciousness is 3 and 1/2 - 5 feet.
2) the second level is where we are now (44+2). we no longer have this unity consciousness; we are cut off and separated. The range of height is from 5 - 7 feet.
3) the 3rd level is christ-consciousness (46+2). range of height is from 10-16 feet. This brings us back to unity memory again but the 3rd level is no longer dreamtime but realtime so when you remember something its real. Its not just your memory but the memory of all christ-conscious beings who ever lived. There is only really 1 consciousness that moves through everything so its key is memory. This is what immortality is all about. If you are immortal you won't stay in a body for long because there is always a higher place to move. The key is to not have a break in consciousness (memory loss) as you move through the diff levels being able to leave when you want and continuing to know where you've been.
4) the fourth level has 48+2 and a height range of 25-35 feet. Its disharmonic like the second level but you have to go through it to get to the highest level.
5) 5th level has 50+2 and a height range from 50-60 feet.
1 comentario:
oye!! yo quiero ese libro, esas teorias raras me llaman la atencion y eso del conciente colectivo para mi que es verdad
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